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As we move back into the world of gigs: clowning, face painting, glitter tattoos, have you given any thought to the safety parameters you set up for safety for yourself and for those you're entertaining? If not, here are some things to consider:

1. Masking, non-masking, face shield

2. Cleaning brushes/sponges between faces

3. Cleaning paints between faces

4. Double dipping your brush

5. Glitter/lip color

The key ideas to consider when practicing face painting hygiene in a post-covid world is ensuring that you are showing that you're doing everything in your capability to keep some form of distance. Masking can go a long way in making parents still concerned about COVID feel a bit more secure. And, if you feel you need it, then wearing a face shield is always a great option. The other thing to keep in mind is how you clean tools as you move from person to person. Some face painters will use a brush on a person, and when finished, toss it into a dirty bag. Others will sanitize, let it dry and use again later in the same gig. Either way is fine, the key is in ensuring you use a clean brush on each face. Sponges are easy, ideally, you should load the sponge (same with the brush), and when the paint from that load is gone, you should reach for a new sponge (brush), so that you don't double dip into your paint. If you double dip, you can always use a sanitizer on the paint after each use so that it's clean for the next person. When using glitters, glue, chunky glitter etc. it's ideal to use disposable applicators so that you keep everything clean from person to person as well. This may seem like a lot of work, however, taking those minutes to ensure that you keep everything as clean as possible can be the difference in how someone perceives your professionalism as a face painter/entertainer. I recently did a birthday party which was predominantly face painting. One of the mothers went up to the hostess and asked if she had concerns about how sanitary it was to have brought in face painting. The mother assured her that we had already had a very long discussion about what I did, and how I ensured as much safety as possible. She was able to share with her that I don't use the same brush between faces, I sanitize all brushes after use, I sanitize each color after use (even if I don't double dip). They could see my bag of disposed of sponges and could see my sanitizing spray. They could also see me disposing of applicators I used for glitter/gels etc. By the time that party was over, the concerned mother came and asked for my business card so that I could do her daughter's party. That extra care and concern I put into making sure that people feel safe made a difference to that mom! So, I ask what you can do in this post COVID world, where we are STILL dealing with COVID while trying to get out to entertain? You can buy great hygiene items such as Brush Bath, Face shields, and sanitizing spray at and at

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I wanted to take an opportunity to talk about the work we do as clowns, magicians, face painters - anything that falls in the category of our family friendly entertainment.

Recently, there has been a rash of businesses, coming into our cities and reaching out to us in an effort to recruit us to do work for them. In theory that sounds great. However, as we found out more about these companies, we have found that they are coming in and lowballing the rates and trying to get many of us as their "talent" for 50-60% less of what we charge. 

I know that we have seen mom and pop establishments go by the wayside due to larger establishments coming in and taking over. They start out looking bright and shiny, with lower prices and the list goes on. However, many of these types companies are not going to put the same tender, loving care into their business that we as small self employed businesses do. The quality is often times lower, the customer services sometimes not as good, and unfortunately that reflects on all of us.

So, as I think about these companies coming into our cities, we as small busineses need to be aware that while customers are shopping around, they very likely are talking to these folks, then coming back to us and trying to get us to lower our prices to get their business.

I have to say, I am very polite to these people, always letting them know that I do not negotiate my prices. I am very happy that they found a better rate and I wish them a very happy and successful event.

I have heard stories from people who went with the lower rate, then were sorry that they did. I have had people call me to let me know that their lower rate person never showed up, and never offered a refund. I have had customers who called at the last minute (like within an hour of the event) begging me to find my way to their party because the person that had given the lowest price called and cancelled at the last minute. 

Unfortunately, as the saying goes, sometimes  you get what you pay for.

As I post this message, to my fellow performers, entertainers and artists, I say be true to your calling. Value what you do, and try to keep your pricing in line with those other professinals around you. Everybody wins when this happens. If you value yourself, your customers will value you as well.

To the customers looking for the performer, entertainer, and artist. I ask you to remember, this person has put a lot of time and engergy into what they do. They have spent countless hours practicing, and perfecting their skill. They have invested a lot of money in costumes, tools, and professional equpiment, marketing etc. They are worth what they are asking.

To the larger businesses who want to come into our cities, please don't lowball us. You make everyone look bad, and you do a great disservice to our industry. Come into the market by all means, but understand that to get the talent you are looking for, you must charge a higher price so that you can be fair to the people you are trying to hire. For us this is not just a business, this is a passion.

Thanks for listening.

Til next time, Keep Smiling!


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I wanted to take a quick opportunity to share with you a little bit about my journey into this world I call clowning.

When I decided to become a clown I never truly dreamed I would be doing it 12 years later. You see, I became a clown as part of a ministry at my church. As, it turned out we didn't do much with it there, but it opened a whole new world for me.

Since beginning this journey I have gone to trainings and conventions in at least 10 differnt states and 2 countries. I have won awards in makeup/costume and in various other things such as skit performances. I have clowned in schools for drug awareness, churches, and prisons. And I been in parades, and peformed on stages all over the place. Plus, I have made some lifelong friends along the way. 

I've learned new skills which I can use to make people smile as I offer those in volunteering, and I have also taken these same skills and made a business out of it. At first my "business" started as an effort to support my volunteerism, however the more comfortable I got with my skills the more I started getting work. I haven't made this a full time career, though there are many people who do. For me this work of love is something I do because I find joy in it.

I will say, that this skill has served my son well also. He started clowning with me when he was 10 years old. Today at the age of 22 and as a full time student, this is what he does for extra income. In one to two parties a month, he can make as much as his friends who have to work a lot of hours, while trying to juggle being a full time student.

Why am I sharing this with you? If you have any interest in becoming a children's entertainer, I will be offering a 9 week clown school beginning on March 19, 2018. The great thing about clown school is you can take the skills you learn and use them as a clown or as a character, or as a balloon twister, puppeteer, facepainter, storyteller, the list goes on.

If you are at all interested in becoming a clown/children's entertainer. Consider signing up today. I have spots for 8 students, as I do try to keep the classes small.

Until next time,


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